Art&Arc10 – assignment – "wdydwyd?"
Three-part assigment
> Special instructions for submitting below the slideshow (to make sure you get credit for assignment)
slideshow of select images from the Art&Arch10 class in 2007
Assignment Part I — WRITE
DEADLINE: October 16
WRITE a personal essay of no more than 350 words answering "why do you do what you do?"
- Writing prompts:
- This is who I am...
- This is what I do...
- This is why...
- Writing TIPS
- Post your essay here. (this will be attached to your profile)
Assignment Part II — TWEET
ONGOING: October 9th – 26th
POST once a day (or more) for two weeks about what you think and feel in the moment about your habits.
- Precede each post with the hashmark #wdydwyd
- Focus your posts on one of two things (or both):
- Something you do by habit and why you love it.
- A habit you want to give up and why you still do it.
- Tips & suggestions:
- This part of the assignment is about the granularity, immediacy and brevity of online media.
- Consider seeting an alarm & post whatever you think at that moment. Or, post whenever you notice your habits.
- Use it as a personal log. At the end, look back at the pattern and use it in Part III (below).
Assignment Part III — MIX
DEADLINE: October 26
CREATE one (or more) of the following pieces of art that mixes your writing and your Tweets with images to tell a story.
(1) Still photo, drawing or graphical art that creatively incorporates text in a creative way. The text must be included in the image itself in a graphical way.
- On your computer. File name (important!) — use the following nominclature to name the image file on your computer before you upload to website: UCLA09-AA10-LastName-FirstName (this will ensure you get credit for the assignment and get considered for exhibit)
- On the website. Upload photos here.
a) Tag it “UCLA09aa10” – The website will ask you for tags after you upload.
b) Title the image with your full name (FirstName LastName) & a key word or two from your image. (for example I might write, "Tony Deifell - stirred awake")(2) Video that incorporates text in the visuals.
- On your computer. File name (follow instructions for still photos)
- On the website. Upload videos here. Tag it “UCLA09aa10” and title it with your full name (FirstName LastName) & a key word or two from your image.
(3) Audio recording in NPR personal-essay style that tells a story based on your writings and Tweets. In this case, the "images" are sounds that illustrate your words with meaning beyond your voice (but you also need to use words... it's about the "mix")
- On your computer. File name (follow instructions for still photos)
- On the website. Upload audio here. Tag it “UCLA09aa10” and title it with your full name (FirstName LastName) & a key word or two from your image.
The following criteria will be used to select art for the exhibition and grade your assignment.
- Candor (and/or) personal vulnerability (and/or) humor in your message
- Relevance of imagery to the text. How well are the words integrated into the image? Do images/sounds offer additional layers of meaning to the overall message through contrast, irony or storytelling?
- Surprise & something unexpected
- Visual and/or audio creativity
Can I make more than one submission? — Yes, as many as you want.
Can I create an image with someone else's answer? — Depends...
If you submit only one image, it should be your answer to "wdydwyd?". If you submit additional images, you may also create one with an answer from someone you ask. It's fun to ask other people why they do what they do.